Now a days when we make all our transaction digitally it is very important to know how safe it is and how we can safe guard our self from any get in cyber trap!!

Recently US based Attivo Networks and ECS together has organized a workshop on Cyber Security awareness at The Fern – Ahmedabad. More than 100 Banks have attended the workshop to understand cyber synerio in banking industry and get the knowledge about mandatory cyber security solution required for any bank under Reserve Bank of India guidelines. Us based Attivo Networks has more than 100 clients including leading banks worldwide in different countries Mr. NitinJyoti Vice President – Attivo Networks explain and gave knowledge about Deception Technologies.
ECS is one of the leading company in the field of cyber security and Forensics. ECS is also associate with Law enforcement agencies, Raksha Shakti University and Gujarat Forensic Science University. To mitigate RBI compliance & to understand how important it is to have right cyber security solutions for any bank Mr. Mahesh Vaidhya President – Cyber Security & Forensic gave a brief presentation on it.